"A new trend is happening in the world of meme coin trading. Investors are excited about 'country coins' and think their prices will go up because of the Paris Olympics. There are 47 of these tokens, and they're worth a total of almost $110 million, with $18 million being traded every day.

The American Coin ($USA) is the most valuable, worth $83 million, and has gone up an amazing 74,000% since it started. The China Coin ($CHINA) has also grown a lot, by 23,000%. Recently, the Palestine coin ($PALESTINE) went up a huge 764% in just one day! The France and UK coins also went up a lot. Even joke coins like Olumpec Terch ($OLUMPC) are joining in, with a 6,400% increase.

It's important to remember that investing in cryptocurrency can be risky, and prices can go down as well as up."