chainlink altcoin crypto

Truflation, independent and impartial provider of verifiable economic data, has chosen the Chainlink CCIP crypto standard, dedicated to facilitating cross-chain transfers of altcoins. 

Thanks to the integration, the native TRUF token can now be transferred between the main networks of Arbitrum, Base, and Ethereum. 

Chainlink CCIP: the crypto standard for cross-chain transfers of altcoins is integrated into Truflation

Chainlink has announced that its CCIP standard has just been chosen and integrated into the Truflation crypto project, to facilitate cross-chain payments of its native token TRUF.

.@truflation has integrated #Chainlink CCIP across @arbitrum, @base, and @ethereum to power cross-chain TRUF transfers.

Why Chainlink BUILD member Truflation is deepening its integration with Chainlink ⬇

— Chainlink (@chainlink) May 6, 2024

“@truflation has integrated #Chainlink CCIP into @arbitrum, @base, and @ethereum to power TRUF transfers across chains. Truflation, a member of Chainlink BUILD, is deepening its integration with Chainlink.”

Thanks to the integration of Chainlink CCIP, TRUF will be able to be exchanged through the main networks of Arbitrum, Base, and Ethereum. 

In its blog post, Truflation explains the reasons that led it to choose Chainlink as a partner for this cross-chain journey.

The crypto project, an independent and impartial provider of verifiable economic data, sees in CCIP an interoperability solution with proven experience in maintaining the highest security standards. 

Indeed, the Chainlink CCIP standard is supported by the Risk Management Network, a separate and independent network that continuously monitors and verifies cross-chain operations for suspicious activity.

This is an additional level of security that is particularly important, especially in light of the sector’s historical exploits and the billions of user funds lost due to insecure and unreliable cross-chain infrastructures.

Chainlink: the crypto project that offers cross-chain of altcoins with a high level of security 

Regarding the security of the Chainlink standard for cross-chain transfers of altcoins, Stefan Rust, CEO of Truflation, stated the following: 

“We are excited to integrate Chainlink CCIP to support TRUF transfers between chains with a level 5 security between chains. By making TRUF transfers safe and seamless, we can simplify the payment process, unlock new use cases, and allow more users to participate in our protocol in the multi-chain ecosystem.”

Not only that, Truflation wanted to emphasize how Chainlink CCIP is future-proof, built to support continuous updates

Among other things, Truflation lists the integration of new blockchains, the introduction of advanced features, and the addition of other approaches to defense in depth to security. 

With this setup, integrating Chainlink’s CCIP would also mean eliminating future change costs in case new cross-chain functionalities are needed. 

The +5% pump of TRUF in the last 24 hours

It seems that the new choice of Chainlink CCIP has been highly appreciated by TRUF investors. 

In the last 24 hours, TRUF has indeed recorded a price pump of +5.20%. At the time of writing, TRUF is worth 0.56$.

After all, in addition to the token, Truflation’s crypto project also seems to be well received in the crypto world. 

Last September 2023, in fact, the news had leaked that Coinbase had selected Truflation as one of the first six investments for the Base Ecosystem Fund. In practice, Truflation emerged among 800 candidates.

The project behind TRUF offers users unprecedented access to independent and verifiable data on prices in key sectors such as housing, employment, and transportation in the United States.