After 3-5 years of trading:

- Setups are found automatically

- Risking becomes easier

- Fearless execution

If this isn't the case for you,

Stop wasting your time.

1) Strategy

- Focus on just 1 strategy

- Practice only on 1 strategy

- Concentrate all attention on 1 strategy

Until you become the best in the world in this area.

2) Risk

- Think 10 trades ahead

- Plan your trades: expected gains, expected losses.

- Know what you're risking in each trade, what you're gaining in each trade, what you're losing in each trade.

Every dollar is a soldier. Your account is your army.

Protect your army. Win the war.

3) Don't be afraid to trade

- Think in probabilities

- Think about the long-term perspective

One day means nothing. One trade means nothing.

1000 days - that's everything. 1000 trades - that's everything.

Your time has come.

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