Opera Browser: Crypto Wallet Support and Partnership with #Fio


With the advancement of the digital age, cryptocurrencies have gained significant attention in the financial world. As the use of cryptocurrencies has increased, users have been seeking practical solutions to securely store and utilize these assets. This is where #Opera Browser's crypto wallet support and partnership with Fio come into play.

Opera Browser and Crypto Wallet:

While Opera is known as a popular web browser, it has integrated a crypto wallet to enhance the user experience. Users can easily manage their cryptocurrencies through the built-in crypto wallet in newer versions of the Opera browser. This feature allows users to directly access and transact with their crypto wallets through the browser. Opera's crypto wallet supports various cryptocurrencies. Some of the currently supported cryptocurrencies include:

1. #bitcoin (BTC): As the world's most popular cryptocurrency, Bitcoin is supported in Opera Browser's crypto wallet. Users can securely store, transact, and perform transfers with Bitcoin through the browser.

2. #Ethereum (ETH): As the second-largest cryptocurrency, Ethereum is also supported in Opera Browser's crypto wallet. Users can securely store Ethereum, engage in transactions with smart contracts, and manage other Ethereum-based tokens.

3. #Binance Coin (BNB): Binance Coin, the cryptocurrency of the Binance exchange, is also supported in Opera Browser's crypto wallet. Users can store BNB, engage in transactions on the Binance exchange, and interact with other projects on the Binance Chain.

4. Celo (CELO): Celo is a blockchain platform and cryptocurrency. Opera's crypto wallet allows users to store, perform transfers, and access the Celo ecosystem securely.

5. Matic (MATIC): Matic Network is a platform that provides Ethereum-based scaling solutions. Opera Browser's crypto wallet enables users to store MATIC, perform transfers, and access applications on the Matic network.

Partnership with Fio:

In addition to Opera Browser's crypto wallet, the partnership with Fio (Foundation for Interwallet Operability) is noteworthy. Fio is a protocol designed to facilitate seamless interaction between different crypto wallets and platforms. The Fio protocol simplifies crypto transfers between different wallets and streamlines the transaction process.

Opera's partnership with Fio enables users to easily transfer cryptocurrencies between different wallets through the Opera Browser. This partnership allows users to have a more flexible experience in managing their crypto assets. The integration of the Fio protocol enables users to transact more user-friendly and error-free transactions, avoiding the complexities of dealing with long addresses.


Opera Browser's crypto wallet and partnership with Fio aim to further popularize the use of cryptocurrencies while providing users with a secure and user-friendly experience. Opera users can manage and transact with various cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Binance Coin, Celo, and Matic through their browser's crypto wallet. The integration with the Fio protocol allows for easy cryptocurrency transfers between different wallets. Opera's crypto wallet and Fio partnership empower users to navigate the crypto world more effectively and manage their digital assets.