Most crypto influencers and content creators are charlatans. It's easy to spot these individuals—whenever someone says "I predicted" or "the price did what I knew it would do," it's 100% a lie. These people have no clue what they're talking about; they're just doing it for attention.


The prices of any currency are entirely probabilistic. However, calculating these probabilities requires certain considerations like liquidity pools, price action, FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt), time of day, and day of the week.


That's why nobody shows their trades, or is it forbidden to show your results openly? If that's the case, I apologize and take back everything I said.


Yesterday we witnessed the dumbest thing I've ever seen in these years of crypto—a FUD about $HBAR being chosen by one of the world's largest asset managers. Honestly, did anyone even know about this crapcoin before yesterday? And to top it off, the community spread this fake news, and even Binance itself published the lie and then retracted it as a "misunderstanding."

I'm no genius, nor better than anyone else. I've been working with crypto for just over 6 years, and I'm only now stepping out of the shadows to speak my mind because I'm disgusted with these people saying "as I predicted" or "I said it yesterday." There are still people right now telling others to buy $HBAR, it's unbelievable. It seems like these people are getting paid to make others lose, or this is all a big social engineering scheme to manipulate you and take your money faster than you can think about the mess you've gotten into.