In a significant security breach reported by PeckShieldAlert, the Ethereum name service address mummyhap.eth has suffered a considerable phishing attack, resulting in the loss of $759.2K worth of various cryptocurrencies. The stolen assets include 86.59 units of wrapped staked Ethereum (wstETH), 31.21 units of staked Ethereum (stETH), 49.88 units of puffed Ethereum (pufETH), and 56.96 units of another Ethereum-based token. The fraudulent operation was linked to an entity operating under the alias Fake_Phishing187019.

#PeckShieldAlert #Phishing mummyhap.eth has fallen victim to a phishing attack, resulting in a loss of $759.2K worth of cryptos, including 86.59 $wstETH, 31.21 $stETH, 49.88 $pufETH & 56.96 $aEthwstETH#Fake_Phishing187019

— PeckShieldAlert (@PeckShieldAlert) April 19, 2024

A Second Attack 

This event followed a similar incident reported just a few hours earlier, involving another *ETH* address, 0x71ac…c913. The earlier attack led to a loss of 190.26K units of the cryptocurrency $MAGIC, valued at approximately $143.2K at the time of theft. This phishing operation was attributed to a scamming method known as PinkDrainer and took place on the Arbitrum network, a layer-two Ethereum scaling solution.

#PeckShieldAlert #Phishing An address 0x71ac…c913 has fallen victim to a phishing attack, resulting in a loss of 190.26K $MAGIC (worth ~$143.2K) #PinkDrainer #Arbitrum

— PeckShieldAlert (@PeckShieldAlert) April 19, 2024

These consecutive phishing attacks underscore ongoing vulnerabilities within the cryptocurrency ecosystem, particularly concerning Ethereum and its related tokens. Both incidents highlight the sophisticated methods cybercriminals employ to exploit digital wallets and decentralized platforms. Users are urged to enhance their security measures and remain vigilant against suspicious activities to mitigate potential risks and protect their digital assets.