You MUST read this before the halving

🦅 Buy Hype

In a bull run, fundamentals don't apply. Projects with horrible tokenomics and tech can easily 100x on good marketing alone 🤯

Focus on fundamentals if you want long-term holds. Buy hyped tokens as early as possible if you want 50x-100x flips!

🦅 Don't Sell Too Early

These are the early stages of the bull run, so only take small profit and let winners run for 12 more months.

The exception is if you are in hyped tokens and are up BIG, you should take profit more aggressively as hype fades fast!

🦅 Accept Being Wrong

That being said, you are going to make bad calls. I see too many people tying up money in bad positions for a whole bull run, hoping it pumps one day...

If a project isn't pumping in a bull run, accept you're wrong, sell and buy something better!

🦅 Get Away

In the bull run, you can always find an excuse to be glued to your screen.

Endless staring at charts or crypto prices is counterproductive. You will burn out.

Taking time away refreshes your mind and makes you more productive when you come back 👍

🦅 Don't Use Leverage

97% of leverage traders lose money. Stop gambling.

Leverage trading is literally designed to make exchanges rich. That is why they are worth countless billions.

Making millions in crypto is easy without leverage.

You do not need it!

🦅 Degen Portfolio

You're not in crypto for low-risk investing. But you must balance risk so you don't lose everything.

I have a normal portfolio and a smaller degen portfolio. This way I can ape into shitcoins when I feel like it but I keep most of my capital safe!

I hope these six tips help you this bull run.

If you found this post useful please like and follow me for more tips🦅

#bitcoinhalving #BullRun #BitEagleNews