You handled that situation very well! It's important to recognize that everyone has their own unique financial circumstances, goals, and risk tolerances. Your friend's strategy of buying and selling USDT for a stable income might work well for him given his capital and preferences, while your investment in land for long-term growth requires patience and a different approach.

Indeed, comparing different investment strategies or financial situations can be misleading because what works for one person may not work for another. It's essential for individuals to understand their own needs, objectives, and timelines before making any investment decisions. Rushing to see immediate results can often lead to overlooking the potential benefits of long-term investments.

Your analogy of someone renting out apartments versus investing in land with long-term potential is spot on. Both approaches have their merits, and it's about finding what aligns best with one's goals and circumstances. Keep offering thoughtful insights like these—it's invaluable in helping others navigate their financial journeys.