$ENA Look some of you are still looking at ENA waiting for the right momment to invest and yet the coin is clearly showing a upward momment...

Rember coins like ENA only comes ones in a while most of the coin so far they pump and then they dump the next day, it takes a long while for it to recover and even if they recover it only grows for a short while intill it dumps again

This coin will continue to rise day by day intill it reaches the $2 mark from there it will most definitely reacb $3 and then $4-$5....

I believe before this month ends we will definitely stand on $5 wile most still wait and I refuse to stand by and watch a coin sutcb as ENA grow without me gaining anything in return....

This is definitely not Financial advise it is simply just a testimonial of my expirience watching ENA grow... But as with any coin always do your research before trying to buy any coin...Before taking part in crypto make sure you understand the price movements and the volatility of that market...

Have a blessed day...