BTC 1H Chart Update: 2️⃣

👉 Last Update Details: 1️⃣

⭐ While trading at 70050

⭐ Max drop & gain: -

⭐ Currently at: 70900 (-1.21%)

👉 According to the 1H chart, BTC has entered a #BullishMomentum. Traders can consider opening Long positions with adequate funds and risk margin management. Avoid high-risk trades and maintain your liquidation price within a $6000 range. I'll keep you updated on market changes.

👉 Expected BTC Rise Levels:

⭐ 72550

⭐ 74000

⭐ 74700

👉 Note: In the 70k zone, a $700 movement in BTC corresponds to approximately a 1% market change. Understand market risks before using margin.

💰 BTC is currently trading at 70900 💰

Thank you for your continued support and trust ❤️.

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