Feeling stressed? (at the end of the post you also have the remedy but read it all the better)

The crypto market is moving sideways or down and although you said you wanted it, it seems to be affecting you now.

It's perfectly normal, from cycle to cycle the amount of money you manage gets bigger and bigger if you did it right and it's normal to feel anxiety or stress.

You need to slowly, slowly transform yourself into the calculated and professional person who manages both money and emotions well, don't allow yourself to make big mistakes like in the past because those are going to cost you a lot more now. Small mistakes? accepted.

My advice:

- Try to focus on the amount of coins when the market goes down, 100 ATOM is still 100 ATOM

- if you realize you have too much ATOM say, when it goes up to resistance and you're slightly on profit more switch to USDT

- live your life, it's not worth 1-2 months of stress just for crypto and it doesn't help either! don't forget to go out and leave them off the charts

- give a follow for more NFA & DYOR content! <3