On the flip side, the Tron blockchain finds itself embroiled in a similar conundrum as the SEC targets Tron ( $TRX ) and BitTorrent ( $BTTC ) tokens over their regulatory status, a challenge defiantly contested by Tron. Asserting its position, Tron challenges the SEC's jurisdiction, arguing that the regulatory reach of the SEC doesn't extend to its current activities. Tron's stance is clear: the case doesn't belong under the SEC's purview.

In a Memorandum of motion filed on March 28, Tron adamantly denies the SEC's authority to intervene in foreign affairs and digital global currency matters. The activities in question, such as social media promotions, contests, and token distribution, aren't directly linked to domestic markets or investors, according to Tron.

This dispute over securities classification places Tron among the myriad challenges the SEC faces in categorizing assets like TRX and BTT. Tether and Pax, for instance, have voiced opposition to their stablecoins being labeled as securities, evading regulatory oversight. Tron argues that cryptocurrency securities regulations lack clarity and that the SEC's actions diverge from due process principles.

Furthermore, Tron invokes the major questions doctrine to contest the SEC's unilateral exercise of power, holding it accountable for expanding regulatory rules without proper authority. Through this legislative doctrine, Tron underscores the importance of addressing significant policy issues through congressional channels rather than through regulatory agencies.

The Tron case brings the regulation of the crypto sector into sharp focus, highlighting the need for transparent rules that safeguard investor interests, foster innovation, and ensure the long-term sustainability of the crypto market.

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