A few days ago I posted a warning on my page to be careful of this site complete with photos but Binance didn't let me publish it. In the warning I urged everyone to stay away from this polybox dot finance site.

Obviously there was a reason and guess what.....it was yet another scam.

Unlike many, if I allow myself to write certain things it is only because I personally try the platforms and then review them,deposit 10 matic a minimum sum to test the aforementioned platform I reach 4 Matic and decide to withdraw, guess what the withdrawal remains pending until today when I go to open my Metamask and what do I find!?!?! Well I'll let you imagine, the site no longer exists 😂

be careful dear friends, invest only on long-lived and trusted platforms, and even if the profits are not stellar, basically there are few but they are there. Remember you don't become rich overnight but you need dedication, study and even a bit of luck.

Below I leave you the screens of Metamask and Google.

Having said that, I wish everyone a good life ❤️

