💸⛏️Mining guide 2024 For Everyone!!⛏️💸

🔥You just need to have Internet and a Computer or Laptop🔥

This is the best starters way to do some Mining in 2024!

In this post I shall talk about 2 ways to mine.

The first is throw the website polybox.finance/r/88046

Use the link for extra rewards. You need to have a crypto wallet. If you don't I recommend using metamask wallet.

Just go o Google, search metamask wallet download and register. iteasy to use and you vlcan transfer your earning later from the wallet to Binance.

With this mini g you shall farm $MATIC .

I advice to reinvest your funds in order to get extra gains.

Also you can start with a 10 matic investment to climb to Level 2 right away (highly advisable)

The second way to mine is to go https://app.getgrass.io/register/?referralCode=2ZMtnMnL73mmbzb

In grass you download an extension for Chrome or for your browser and the software will use the internet bandwidth you are not using to give internet to big companies and other parties and they will pay you for that internet.

I advice to use only if you have unlimited internet.

After that is the faster your internet the bigger your rewards so optical fiber users will normally get more rewards than wi fi users.

Use the link for extra rewards!

Happy mining for all, and don't forget to invest in your mining or it will never be very big!

Don't forget to leave a tip, a follow, a like and share if you like my post. It really helps me building up community!

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