Trade Lessons on RISK!


The last post I did was a loss. This happens to the best of the best. (I mean it happened to me!) The thing about losses is that it indicates a weakness in your trading. It's similar to failing at school, however instead of losing marks. Trading is harsher! You lose actual money.

The great thing about failure is the lessons that come with it! Here are a few I learnt:

1. Focus on your strategy =>

What happened to me was, I get into a trade. I see a post here explaining the negative case. I get skeptical and exit the trade prematurely. I enter the trade with the new insight and get burned! This leads to my next lessons.

2. The only person you should listen to is yourself. Trust your gut. Mute out all the noise here => This is very important. The so called "Guru's" here are just making speculations. In a human market no one can absolutely predict the trend with 💯 certainty. If you don't believe me go ahead and ask AI to verify my claim. It's all bullshit and the only one who can do a good trade is you. Because everyone has different financial statuses and risk tolerance. Don't listen to anyone just because they were right once or twice. Any assumptions made will eventually come to pass in a long enough timeframe. For Example, $BTC will reach 45K soon. (Bearish). No matter what statistics I give or no statistics. At some point this will be true. I will repost this when that happens and everyone will be impressed by my "fortunate prediction."

3. Journal your trades or atleast have a feedback loop => Writing down at minimum, the entry, exit, reasoning behind your trade and it's result is what allowed me to write this article. Obviously my trade journal has more parameters than this. If you'd want that shared you can comment "journal" down below.

I am confident that this is helpful to most of you. If you found value in this post, do a kind thing to someone else. More importantly share it with your network so that you make gains as a crew!

Due to the word limit here, check the full post on LinkedIn at Kiprop Kimutai