HAQQ Network's Unique Approach to Pending State in Blockchain Transactions

#HaqqNetwork illuminates a pivotal phase known as the 'Pending State,' demystifying its significance and underscoring the distinctive features that set HAQQ.

Decoding the 'Pending State'

The 'Pending State' is a temporary phase in a blockchain transaction's lifecycle where the transaction or block has been submitted to the network but has not yet been fully confirmed and permanently added to the blockchain ledger.

Why Blockchains Need the 'Pending State'

HAQQ outlines four essential reasons why blockchains incorporate the 'Pending State' mechanism:

Transaction Validation: Validators require time to verify the authenticity of transactions, preventing issues such as double-spending.

Block Formation: Transactions need to be organized into blocks and added to the blockchain in a sequential manner.

Consensus Mechanism: The network must reach a consensus on the validity of a block and its transactions.

Network Congestion: High transaction volumes can lead to delays, and the 'Pending State' allows validators to prioritize

transactions based on fees.

HAQQ's Distinctive Approach

HAQQ diverges from traditional blockchain practices in handling the 'Pending State.' Unlike #Ethereum , where pending blocks are generated as they queue for production by miners, HAQQ introduces the CometBFT consensus mechanism. This mechanism provides instant finality for transactions, eliminating the need for a 'pending state.'

Instant Finality on HAQQ

HAQQ's design, anchored by the CometBFT consensus, does not necessitate a 'pending state.' Most transactions are committed to the next block promptly, boasting an average block time on Cosmos chains of approximately 8 seconds.


The elimination of a 'pending state' mechanism, coupled with instant finality, positions HAQQ as a blockchain network at the forefront of technological advancement. As the blockchain ecosystem continues to evolve, HAQQ stands as a testament to the pursuit of streamlined and secure transactions

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