CUDOS has finally launched its anticipated Intercloud platform, a game-changing platform in the realm of #Web3 cloud computing. This launch is a testament to CUDOS’ commitment to redefining #cloud services through innovative and environmentally conscious solutions.


#CUDOS is establishing itself as a leader in democratised cloud computing and blockchain technology with a vision to revolutionise the cloud service landscape by integrating blockchain technology to create more sustainable, efficient, and scalable solutions.

CUDOS is on a mission to empower technological progress through sustainable and decentralised cloud computing.

CUDOS is Leveraging a global network of validators, developers, and cloud users, to drive innovation while prioritising environmental sustainability.

About CUDOS Intercloud

The CUDOS Intercloud platform marks a new era in cloud computing. It offers a seamless and efficient experience, allowing users to install full-system Linux-based virtual servers effortlessly. The integration with the CUDOS Network facilitates straightforward payments using CUDOS tokens, simplifying transactions and enhancing accessibility.

Currently, CUDOS compute supply spans 7 countries and delivers over 12000 processor cores, 26000GiB memory, 575TB storage, and hundreds of GPUs of varied models.

Global Reach and Resource Abundance

CUDOS Intercloud's cloud environment is supported by a diverse array of distributed compute suppliers internationally. This collaborative effort has amassed a formidable collection of resources, including thousands of processor cores, extensive memory, and vast storage capacities, along with a rich variety of GPUs.
