According to PANews, understanding cryptocurrency involves a two-step approach: analysis and synthesis. This process is akin to playing with Lego blocks, but in reverse.

The first step involves breaking down a topic into smaller parts to understand their functions. For instance, if one wants to understand how re-pledging works, especially in relation to EigenLayer, they can list the main components of re-pledging: Actively Validated Services (AVS), operators, re-pledgers, and assets. Understanding the relationship between these components is crucial. AVS is a system that requires its own distributed validation semantics for validation. Operators are entities that help run AVS software. Re-pledgers entrust their assets to operators. Assets include native ETH or LST ETH.

The second step involves maintaining a skeptical attitude and questioning everything unless proven otherwise. Asking oneself questions is vital to fully understand the topic being researched. For instance, why is AVS needed if every service can be set up locally? What happens if a malicious actor wants to cheat? Why can re-pledgers also deposit LST ETH? How exactly do assets protect the network? Why can't I deposit stable coins, but only ETH?

This approach encourages asking as many questions as possible to clearly define the function and limitations of each part. This is also why new startups are created to solve problems with existing solutions. For example, Symbioticfi supports any mixed tokens as re-pledging collateral, not just ETH. Nektarnetwork provides more modularity for operators and AVS. ExocoreNetwork allows re-pledging with multiple tokens on multiple chains.

Once confident in the analysis, it's time to rebuild the system from scratch using a synthetic approach. This involves combining elements into a coherent whole, integrating all the knowledge learned, and trying to rebuild what was initially broken down. This method fosters a valuable learning skill: if you want to understand something, take it apart and then put it back together.