According to Odaily, Degen has made an announcement regarding its subdomain holders on the X platform. The holders of the Degen.eth subdomain now have the ability to set their subdomains as PFP. This development marks a significant step for Degen in enhancing its user experience and functionality on the X platform.

The announcement did not provide further details about the new feature or how it will be implemented. However, it is expected that this move will provide Degen.eth subdomain holders with more control and customization options for their online presence on the X platform. This is a significant development for Degen and its users, as it shows the company's commitment to improving its services and catering to the needs of its user base.

It is important to note that this announcement is specific to the Degen.eth subdomain holders on the X platform. As such, it may not apply to users of other Degen subdomains or platforms. Users are advised to stay updated with Degen's announcements for further information and updates on this development.