According to Odaily, UNCLE, a PEPE series Meme token issued on the Ethereum chain, recently experienced a system bug that caused abnormal burn tax displays for some users. The issue has now been identified and resolved, and the system has returned to normal operation. Users of the platform have been informed about the resolution of the issue.

The bug was initially brought to light by user feedback, which reported anomalies in the burn tax. The UNCLE team promptly investigated these reports and confirmed that a system bug was indeed causing the display issues. The team has since rectified the problem and assured users that the system is now functioning as expected.

UNCLE is a token that operates on the Ethereum blockchain, part of the PEPE series of Meme tokens. It is widely used within the platform, and any disruptions can significantly impact its users. The swift resolution of this issue demonstrates the team's commitment to maintaining a smooth user experience.