According to Odaily, Jesse Pollak, the head of Base Protocol, has announced a unique incentive for participants in the upcoming Base ecosystem hackathon, known as the buildathon. In a post on platform X, Pollak cited an official Base tweet, stating that those who sign up for the buildathon will receive a special non-fungible token (NFT).

Furthermore, Pollak added an intriguing challenge for the participants. If they manage to help Base Protocol break through the $10 billion total value locked (TVL) mark, he pledged to shave his head. This unusual promise adds an element of fun and competition to the event, while also setting a high goal for the participants to strive for.

This announcement is part of Base Protocol's efforts to engage and reward its community, while also driving growth and innovation within its ecosystem. The use of NFTs as rewards is a reflection of the growing trend in the blockchain and cryptocurrency sector, where these unique digital assets are gaining increasing recognition and value.