According to Cointelegraph, social media giant Meta has disbanded its Responsible AI (RAI) division, which was dedicated to regulating the safety of its artificial intelligence ventures during development and deployment. Many RAI team members have transitioned to roles within the Generative AI product division at the company, while some have joined the AI Infrastructure team. Established in February, Meta's Generative AI team focuses on developing products that generate language and images to mimic human-made versions.

The restructuring of the RAI division comes as Meta nears the end of its 'year of efficiency,' as CEO Mark Zuckerberg called it during a February earnings call. This has resulted in a series of layoffs, team mergers, and redistributions at the company. Ensuring AI safety has become a priority for top players in the space, particularly as regulators and officials pay closer attention to the potential harms of the nascent technology. In July, Anthropic, Google, Microsoft, and OpenAI formed an industry group focused on setting safety standards as AI advances.

Despite the redistribution of RAI team members within the company, they remain committed to supporting responsible AI development and use, emphasizing ongoing investment in this area. Meta recently introduced two AI-powered generative models. The first, Emu Video, leverages Meta's previous Emu model and can generate video clips based on text and image inputs. The second model, Emu Edit, focuses on image manipulation, promising more precision in image editing. Cointelegraph reached out to Meta for more information but has not received feedback at the time of publication.