$XRP Here are XRP Prices with XRP Fair Valuation Calculator If XRP Hits $40B, $120B, and $250B Volume.
Using this tool, we sought projections for XRP’s fair market value at three different daily transaction volumes: $40 billion, $120 billion, and $250 billion. The data provided details on how XRP’s price might respond to an increase in utility and adoption, leading to higher volumes.
📊 At a daily transaction volume of $40 billion, the calculator estimated XRP’s value at $2.43, slightly above its current trading price of $2.29. The calculation assumes XRP is transacted every 12 hours on average and considers a 1% interest rate to discount future value to the present.
📊 If daily transaction volumes rise to $120 billion, the fair value increases to $3.10. This scenario extends the time horizon to two years, indicating the growth required to reach such a volume. However, even at this level, XRP’s valuation remains slightly below its 2018 all-time high of $3.31.
📊 The top projection comes up at a $250 billion daily transaction volume. Under this scenario, the calculator estimates XRP’s value at $4.17. This projection assumes a two-year timeline. Interestingly, market analyst Ali Martinez insists XRP could claim the $4 price.
The valuation model relies on several assumptions, including transaction frequency, the duration necessary to reach projected volumes, and the interest rate for discounting future value. It also factors in the potential for XRP to be a store of value akin to digital gold.