Binance has launched the Solv Protocol (SOLV) Megadrop, its third project in the Binance Megadrop series. This campaign offers users the chance to earn SOLV tokens by staking BNB in Locked Products or completing Web3 Quests. The Solv Protocol focuses on building a Bitcoin-centric financial ecosystem. The Megadrop runs from January 7, 2025, 00:00 (UTC) to January 16, 2025, 23:59 (UTC), with trading for SOLV beginning on January 17, 2025. Participants can stake BNB to earn points or complete quests like staking BTCB on the Solv Protocol. Rewards, totaling 588 million SOLV tokens, will be distributed automatically to Binance Spot Wallets after the campaign ends. Binance is the first platform to list SOLV, emphasizing its support for innovative blockchain projects.