Binance has announced the launch of its third Megadrop event, featuring Solv Protocol (SOLV), a Bitcoin staking protocol aimed at enhancing the utility of idle Bitcoin assets by integrating them into decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystems.
Key Details of the SOLV Megadrop:
Megadrop Period: January 7, 2025, 00:00 UTC – January 16, 2025, 23:59 UTC.
Participation Methods:
BNB Locked Products: Users can subscribe to BNB Locked Products to earn rewards. The longer the lock-up period, the higher the potential rewards.
Web3 Quests: Participants can complete designated Web3 Quests, such as staking a minimal amount of BTCB on Solv Protocol, to boost their scores and earn additional rewards.
Reward Calculation:
Total Score Formula: Total Score = (Locked BNB Score × Web3 Quest Multiplier) + Web3 Quest Bonus. This formula determines the allocation of SOLV tokens to participants.
Token Listing: Following the Megadrop, Binance will list