#KYCVerification #blockchain #PartisiaBlockchain #security #data

Days of Shipmas with a Bang!

Announcing 3 ground-breaking projects that will drive transactions on Partisia Blockchain.

1️⃣ Compliant On-Chain KYC with @synaps_id

2️⃣ Secure Private Document Sharing with @filedgr

3️⃣ Privacy-Enhanced Real Estate with @ProprHome

Each of these projects is being built by a stellar team with deep industry knowledge. Each of them brings proven traction and strong customer base. And they're all using our Privacy Enhancing Technology to solve meaningful problems and unlock game-changing new features.

This is a key step forward in our mission to do for data what Bitcoin did for money.

It is by no means the destination. But it marks an important moment in the journey.

We're glad you're here with us and hope you'll join us at our next community call this Thursday as we share more information about this and many other exciting developments.GM(PC)