Degens raised more than $15m+ for a beautiful cause with $MIRA

Possibly the biggest community funded #DeSci project!

- @blader posted about her daughter Mira having a rare brain cancer tumor

- he had a gofundme set to fund dr. hankinson's lab to research on a cure for it, as of now there isn't any cure out there

- degens decided to launch a $MIRA on @pumpdotfun and sent 40% of the supply to @blader with the pure intention to sell the tokens and fund the research!

- a new community backed #DeSci project came to live!

- $MIRA is possibly the fastest growing community launched #DeSci token reaching at an ATH of $80m+ within 5 hours!

- every action @blader is taken regarding to sell or hold tokens has been community voted and the community has been super supportive with him selling!

The wallet is currently holding assets worth $14m+, possibly the biggest web3 community fund raise in the #DeSci sector!

What a beautiful story to witness!