PEPE has been trending almost daily since its launch, driven by several factors. Recently, it achieved a new all-time high (ATH), demonstrating its strong community support. Influential individuals worldwide have also been discussing this coin, adding to its uniqueness. Currently, PEPE is in consolidation, but its future prospects remain bright. It wouldn't be surprising if PEPE futures pair becomes the most rising coin tomorrow, breaking the $0.02 threshold or more.
PEPE Analytics as per coin market cap
Addresses by Holdings:
$0 - $1k: 78.28%
$1k - $100k: 20.93%
$100k+: 0.79%
Whale Holdings:
Whales: 45.39%
Others: 54.61%
Addresses by Time Held:
Cruisers: 57.40%
Traders: 18.27%
Holders: 24.33%
Do you also hold pepe or already bought in futures what's your prediction for PEPE IF BTC REACH ANOTHER ATH
As per my analysis it easily break 0.035