Arthur Hayes Deposits 7M ENA ($8.44M) to #Binance After Unstaking
Twenty hours ago, Arthur Hayes, the founder of BitMEX, unstaked 9M ENA and subsequently deposited 7M ENA (valued at $8.44M) to Binance:
Address: 0xa86e3d1c80a750a310b484fb9bdc470753a7506f.
The deposit occurred just two hours after Hayes publicly expressed support for Ethena Labs, adding intrigue to the timing of the transaction.
Hayes' ENA Activity Overview:
Withdrawals: Between November 26 and 28, 2024, Hayes withdrew 16.79M ENA from Binance at an average price of $0.666, totaling an estimated cost of $11.19M.
Current Holdings: Hayes now holds 9.96M ENA (valued at $11.7M) with 7.94M ENA staked.
Profit: His total estimated profit from ENA stands at $8.71M (+78%), showcasing a strong performance with this token.