Long-term GALA price prediction for 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029 and 2030
Based on the historical price movements of GALA and the BTC halving cycles, the yearly low GALA price prediction for 2025 is estimated at $ 0.019801. Meanwhile, the price of GALA is predicted to reach as high as $ 0.094221 next year. Using the same basis, here is the $GALA price prediction for each year up until 2030.
Year Yearly Low Yearly High
2025 $ 0.019801 $ 0.094221
2026 $ 0.016487 $ 0.052855
2027 $ 0.018092 $ 0.037246
2028 $ 0.026797 $ 0.063465
2029 $ 0.051317 $ 0.127766
2030 $ 0.050648 $ 0.082122
GALA price prediction 2025
The GALA price prediction for 2025 is currently between $ 0.019801 on the lower end and $ 0.094221 on the high end. Compared to today’s price, GALA could gain 363.49% by 2025 if GALA reaches the upper price target.