Be alert! Scammers on apps like WhatsApp and Telegram are trying to fool you. Here's a simple breakdown of their tricks:

1. How Scammers Find and Add You:

Scammers search for phone numbers from different online chat groups. If you're active in many groups, they might find you easily. Once they gather many numbers, they create their own chat groups and add these numbers there. It feels like getting a random invite to a chat you never wanted.

2. The "Hurry, Hurry!" Trick:

Once you're in their group, they'll flood you with messages pushing you to act immediately or miss out. They might also show fake photos of other people supposedly earning lots of money. They want you to think everyone is doing it.

3. Super Good Offers (Too Good to be True):

They'll chat about big money returns with very little work from your end. It sounds extremely easy and tempting. But remember, if it sounds too good and super easy, it's likely a scam.

4. The "Look, It Works!" Trick:

Initially, they might allow you to take out a small amount of money. This move is to gain your trust. But when you try to take out more of your money, they dodge or go silent.

5. Groups Full of Fake Profiles:

Even if you see a group with thousands of members, don't be fooled. Many could be fake profiles. Scammers use these fake accounts to post made-up stories about earning money to convince you it's real.

6. The "Send More Money" Ploy:

After you've sent some money their way, they'll spin tales. They might mention a special bonus offer, or a sudden fee, or even scare you that your initial money might vanish. Sometimes, they introduce a so-called "manager" to talk to you. It's all a play to scare you into sending more cash, making you believe that you'll save the money you first sent.


Always stay sharp. When someone on WhatsApp or Telegram talks about quick, easy money or pushes you to act fast, be cautious. Large group numbers or made-up success stories shouldn't trick you. If you're ever in doubt, it's always good to get advice from someone you trust.