🚨Solana Alert 🚨

🟢 Price Action of Solana is on weekly timeframe resistance watch for breakout, let it retest.

🟢 Bitcoin had rallied from 24k to 30k, altcoins still are under-rated or in neutral phase.

🟢30$ is psychological resistance later will be selling liquidity is above till Sol at 80$ watch carefull and trade accordingly with money & risk management.

🟢Key points :-

1. There is possibility of 2 setups bullish setups

i. Watch for breakout of 30$ with sl of support which will be of 27$.

ii. Another trendline breakout after major fall which is creating from 40$ and 30$.

2. 1 perfect setup for bearish price action.

i. Wait for rejection candle which can also lead price to again 15$.

ii. Also price is heading to weekly resistance level.

🔴 Trade accordingly cause volatility is coming.

#Solana #BinanceSquare #Binance