Telegram Faces Major Outages Across Multiple Countries Following Reports of Disclosed Criminal IP Addresses

Telegram, one of the world’s most popular messaging apps, has been experiencing significant outages since 10:30 UTC on October 3, 2024, according to a report by Cointelegraph. Users in countries including Ukraine, Poland, Kazakhstan, and Germany have reported difficulties in sending and receiving messages, with Downdetector showing a spike in outage reports from affected regions. This disruption comes on the heels of a smaller outage on October 2, which coincided with reports that Telegram has been disclosing criminal IP addresses to authorities since 2018.

Widespread Outages Impacting Key Regions

The current outage has disrupted service for users in several countries, particularly in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. According to user reports, Telegram’s messaging services have been unreliable, with some users experiencing complete disconnection, while others are facing delays or intermittent access to the platform.

The issues have been tracked through Downdetector, a platform that monitors the status of online services. Users in Ukraine, Poland, Kazakhstan, and Germany have been particularly affected, but reports suggest that the outage may be more widespread. Telegram users across other regions have also reported issues with connectivity, although to a lesser extent.

Timing and Cause of the Outage

The timing of the October 3 outage is notable, coming just a day after a smaller disruption on October 2. The two incidents have raised concerns among users, especially given the recent reports about Telegram’s involvement in disclosing criminal IP addresses to authorities. While it is unclear if there is any direct link between these reports and the current outage, the timing has fueled speculation.

According to the reports, Telegram has been cooperating with law enforcement since 2018, providing IP addresses and phone numbers of criminal suspects when legally required. This disclosure policy has surprised many users, as Telegram has long marketed itself as a privacy-focused platform. The revelation could have implications for user trust, particularly among those who use the platform for its secure communication features.

User Reactions and Concerns

Telegram’s outages have drawn significant attention on social media, where users have expressed frustration over the disruptions. For many, Telegram is an essential tool for communication, particularly in regions where the app is widely used for both personal and professional purposes. The outages have caused disruptions for businesses, organizations, and individual users who rely on the platform for day-to-day operations.

The recent reports of Telegram’s cooperation with law enforcement have added another layer of concern for users. Telegram has built a reputation as a secure and private messaging service, and the news that it has shared user data in criminal cases could prompt some users to reevaluate their use of the platform. While the disclosure was limited to criminal investigations, it has nonetheless raised questions about how the platform balances user privacy with legal obligations.

Ongoing Efforts to Restore Service

As of now, Telegram has not released an official statement addressing the cause of the outage or providing an estimated timeline for when services will be fully restored. The company has a history of responding quickly to service disruptions, and it is expected that the issue will be resolved as soon as possible. In the meantime, users across the affected regions are advised to monitor updates from Telegram’s official channels and to seek alternative communication platforms if necessary.


The ongoing outages affecting Telegram have caused significant disruptions across several countries, with users in Ukraine, Poland, Kazakhstan, and Germany being the hardest hit. While the cause of the outage remains unclear, the incident follows recent reports of Telegram’s disclosure of criminal IP addresses to authorities, raising concerns among users about privacy and trust.

As the platform works to restore its services, the broader implications of these outages and privacy concerns could influence how users engage with Telegram moving forward. For now, affected users are waiting for the company to resolve the issues and provide more clarity on the situation.

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