Do you hold Bitcoin against your debt?

Hello, fellow bitcoiners!

I wonder if you're holding BTC against your debt. (Be it student loan, mortgage, or otherwise.)

If so, would you mind sharing some details?

1. Yes, and my BTC holdings cover 0-10% of my outstanding debt.

2. Yes, and my BTC holdings cover 10-30% of my outstanding debt.

3. Yes, and my BTC holdings cover 30-50% of my outstanding debt.

4. Yes, and my BTC holdings cover 50-75% of my outstanding debt.

4. Yes, and my BTC holdings cover 75-100% of my outstanding debt.

And, the second question: "If forced to pay your debt, would you liquidate?".

1. Yes, I would sell my BTC in no time, if forced to pay my debt.

2. No, I would rather sell something else, get another job or just won't pay.

Thanks a lot in advance!