Changpeng ‘CZ’ Zhao, Binance co-founder and former CEO, could be freed from custody as early as Friday. This release could come two days ahead of his originally scheduled release date of Sunday, September 29th. According to a rule, the U.S. Department of Justice’s (DOJ) Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) may release an inmate on the last preceding weekday. This happens if the inmate’s release date coincides with a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday. 

In Zhao’s case, since his scheduled release date falls on a Sunday, this provision could allow his release on the preceding Friday, September 27th. However, the rule also outlines certain exceptions. If there is a detainer from another jurisdiction or there are valid reasons for delay, the prison authorities can withhold the release until the scheduled date.

What’s Next for CZ?

The final decision on Zhao’s potential early release lies in the hands of the facility warder where he is being held. Although it remains uncertain what CZ’s next moves in cryptocurrency will entail, he has hinted at dedicating some of his time to education. In an interview after his sentencing, the soon-to-be-released Binance founder stated that he intends to focus on education after serving his term in jail. 

A few months before his sentencing, CZ launched Giggle Academy in March of this year while facing trial. According to CZ, the project will have no revenue but will focus on providing free basic education. It will employ gamification and an adaptive curriculum for eventual users.

Binance Founder and the Four-month Jail Sentence

Recall that CZ was incarcerated for violating U.S. money laundering laws. Zhao resigned as Binance CEO a few months ago and pleaded guilty to the felony charge as part of a settlement with the U.S. DOJ.

On April 30, 2024, United States federal judge Richard Jones sentenced Zhao to four months in prison. The sentence was lighter than the three-year term recommended by prosecutors. Notably, the Department of Justice and other US authorities’ accusations cast a significant shadow over the firm. Also, the DOJ appointed the Forensic Risk Alliance, an independent consulting firm, to monitor Binance’s operations for the next three years.

Several Changes in Binance

Since taking over as CEO in November 2023, Richard Teng has overseen several changes at Binance, including a pivot from a founder-led company to one governed by a board of seven directors. This structural shift creates a framework that regulators are familiar with, a move seen as crucial to gaining trust and easing regulatory concerns.

Binance settled a $4.3 billion probe in the United States, leading the co-founder and former CEO to resign. Though Zhao stepped down as part of the agreement, he remained a major shareholder, which will allow the company to benefit from his continued involvement in some capacity. As for the future, Teng mentioned that crypto markets historically “warm up” after Bitcoin’s halving event in April.

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