A Zero Knowledge Credential (ZKCreds),  is a cryptographic protocol that allows one party (the prover) to prove to another party (the verifier) that they possess certain information or knowledge without revealing the actual information itself. 

The term "zero knowledge" refers to the fact that the verifier gains no additional knowledge other than the fact that the prover possesses the necessary credentials.

In traditional authentication or verification processes, the prover typically needs to reveal sensitive information, such as a password or private key, to the verifier to prove their identity or knowledge. This can be risky, as it exposes sensitive information, making it susceptible to theft or misuse if intercepted by malicious actors.

Zero Knowledge Credentials, however, use complex cryptographic techniques to achieve a higher level of privacy and security. The protocol allows the prover to demonstrate knowledge of the necessary credentials in a way that convinces the verifier without revealing any specific details about those credentials. 

Can Zero Knowledge Credentials Improve Data Authentication In Africa? 

Zero Knowledge Credentials (ZKCs) have the potential to significantly improve data authentication in Africa, just as they can elsewhere. Here's how:

Reduced Identity Theft

ZKCs can enable secure digital identities. By proving you possess specific credentials without revealing them, it becomes much harder for cybercriminals to steal your identity. Over the years, many people have fallen victim to bank fraud because personal data like name, address, phone numbers, etc. were compromised when there was a data breach within the institution that has these data. It was thus easier for the scammer to attack an individual because he has the tools he needs for this.

Imagine receiving a call from someone who claims to be customer support from your bank. At first, you may not feel secure about the call but by the time the caller gives your full name, date of birth, and address, there are chances that one will believe the legitimacy of the call. In this case, if one is not careful, he may release sensitive data which can lead to being scammed. 

With zero knowledge credentials in use in institutions, when the data center of such an institution is hacked, the hacker will have limited information. For example, he would only know you are a certain age-old but won't know your exact date of birth, he would know that you live in a certain avenue without knowing your exact house address. 

This way, he has limited information and the probability of scamming you with them is slim. 

Efficient Verification

In Africa, where many services require identity verification, ZKCs can streamline the process. Instead of repeatedly providing sensitive information, individuals can use ZKCs for quick and secure verification.

For example in Nigeria, one has to do a fresh KYC with each bank he wants to bank with. ZKCs can streamline the process, making it faster, secure, and privacy-preserving.

It will take this form; a user receives a zero-knowledge credential from a trusted issuer. He verifies himself in Bank A, B, and C with that single credential by just sharing that credential with the banks. This is called reusable KYC, and it makes data verification faster, more secure, and privacy-preserving. 

Cross-Border Transactions: Africa has a diverse and often fragmented landscape. Some Africans may not be comfortable sharing their data with any financial institutions in another country because of fear of data breaches. 

ZKCs can simplify cross-border transactions and document verification by providing trust without revealing excessive personal information. 

Government Services: ZKCs can enhance government services. For instance, When the government wants to give out palliatives to its citizens. Sometimes, they are required to submit some personal information that can prove their citizenship and eligibility. 

Citizens can prove eligibility for these benefits without disclosing unnecessary personal data. This will help in reducing fraud and protecting privacy because sometimes, this information is sold to bad players which are thus used to scam the citizens. 

However, it's important to note that implementing ZKCs requires robust technology infrastructure, education, and awareness among the population. We can only hope for African countries to see the benefits of it. Some countries that have accepted Blockchain Tech are already moving into ZKCs and Self-sovereign identity.

How can Zero Knowledge Credential Be Used For Authentication?

Imagine you have a secret password, but you don't want to tell anyone your actual password because it's a secret. However, you still need to prove to a website or app that you know your password to log in. This is where Zero Knowledge Credentials come in.

1. Secret Key:

   - You have a secret key (like your password), but you want to keep it a secret.

2. Registration:

   - When you first create your account, you tell the website, "Hey, I have a secret key," but you don't say what it is.

   - The website wants to make sure you're not lying, so you both do a special secret dance (mathematical calculations) to prove that you have the secret key without revealing it.


3. Authentication:

   - Now, when you want to log in, you don't need to type your secret key again.

   - Instead, you do that special secret dance again to show the website that you still have your secret key.

( a zero-knowledge proof where the user demonstrates they have the private key without disclosing its value.)

   - But, just like before, you don't actually reveal your secret key.

4. Checking:

   - The website checks the secret dance you did. If it looks correct, they let you in. But they still don't know your secret key.

5. Using the Website:

   - Once you're in, you can use the website like normal because they trust that you have the secret key.

Why ZKCs are Cool:

- Privacy: You never have to tell the website your secret key, so it stays super secret.

- Safety: Even if the website gets hacked, your secret key is safe because it was never shared.

- Easy to Use: It's like doing a secret handshake with the website, so it's pretty easy for you.

- Stopping Bad Guys: If someone else tries to pretend to be you, they can't do the secret dance because they don't know your secret key.

ZKCs are like a way to prove who you are without giving away your big secret, like magic!