Which crypto should I invest $100 in? ‼️
If you are looking for a chance to turn a relatively small amount, such as $100, into a large amount of money through investing in crypto, you’ll have to consider buying coins with a small market capitalization. However, you should keep in mind that this can be more akin to gambling than investing.
Typically, you will have to take on higher risks to have the potential for higher rewards. This also applies to crypto. There are a number of risks associated with low market cap coins, and these risks get more pronounced the lower in the market cap you go:
- Low liquidity
- Projects are often in their early stages, so there’s no guarantee that they will deliver on their promises
- Many low market cap projects are of poor quality overall
- Higher risk of scams
While there are a lot of pitfalls, finding a winner among low-market-cap coins can be very lucrative. Still, you’re more likely to lose money than make a profit if you buy coins with low market capitalizations.
If you’re not comfortable with low market cap cryptocurrencies, there are also some mid-market cap cryptocurrencies that could explode in the future.
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