Elon Musk deleted a tweet that could have gotten him banned from X if anyone else had posted it!

Musk is making headlines again with a controversial post on X (formerly Twitter). After the FBI found a replica of someone carrying an AK-47 at Mar-a-Lago with the intent to assassinate US Presidential Candidate Donald Trump, Musk made a remark involving Biden and Harris.

Following the arrest of the suspect in the Trump assassination plot, Musk tweeted, jokingly, "Nobody even tried to assassinate Biden/Kamala," which outraged many of his followers. The tweet spread rapidly, faced significant backlash, and was soon deleted.

Security experts have warned that Musk's comments could have serious implications. Former US Naval Academy professor Tom Nichols highlighted the gravity of the situation, saying, "If I said something like that, I’d lose my security clearance immediately. But this guy is still working with the government!"

In response to the criticism, Musk explained, "I’ve realized that what I say in a group doesn’t come across as funny when shared on X," claiming the joke was taken out of context.

Musk’s latest controversy has reignited the debate around the responsibilities of owning social media platforms and the boundaries of free speech. Share your thoughts on the matter!

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