🚀 Shenzhen’s Digital Yuan Push: Following Hong Kong’s Fintech Lead! 🌐

Shenzhen is stepping up its game in digital finance, looking to become a leader in Digital RMB adoption! The city is planning to establish digital yuan demonstration zones and expand cross-border payment scenarios, all while partnering with Hong Kong for the upcoming Hong Kong Fintech Week. 💹💥

The Shenzhen Local Financial Management Bureau is actively seeking public feedback on its plan to boost digital finance and take China’s digital RMB to the next level. 🌍 From cross-border payments to international business centers, Shenzhen is aiming to set the standard in global digital currency innovation! 🚀

With internship programs and strengthened ties between Shenzhen and Hong Kong, the future of digital finance in this region is looking brighter than ever. Stay tuned as the digital yuan gains momentum! 🔥

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