The rich story of the founder of the Ethereum currency

Vitalik Buterin, the child prodigy:

Vitalik was described as a child prodigy, especially after his family moved from Russia to Canada, where he attended elementary school in Canada and was quickly placed in a class for gifted children.

During his studies there, his keen interest in economics, programming, and mathematics emerged, and he was also noted for his exceptional ability to add three-digit numbers in his head faster than his classmates.

As for his education, Vitalik made the bold decision to leave the University of Waterloo in 2014 to devote himself to the Ethereum project with the support of a $100,000 Thiel grant. That same year, the Ethereum crowdsale had already begun.

He learned about Bitcoin at the age of 17 and created the Ethereum project at the age of 19

He discovered Bitcoin through his father, Dmitri Buterin, a serial entrepreneur, who introduced him to it at the age of 17. Vitalik, who initially had little interest in Bitcoin, didn’t begin to explore it seriously until later.

At the age of 19, Vitalik Buterin created the Ethereum whitepaper, presenting a new vision for improving Bitcoin. The most notable innovation in the Ethereum blockchain was the ability to execute smart contracts through the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), an operating environment capable of executing complex software known as “Turing complete scripts” on the blockchain.

The genius behind Ethereum was the vision that blockchain technology could be used for more than just digital money; it could create a kind of digital infrastructure on which institutions, businesses, and applications could be built—ostensibly free of centralized structures like banks and governments.

He was also one of the founders of Bitcoin Magazine, which became a prominent reference in the world of cryptocurrencies.

"Vitalik Buterin" net worth is estimated to be between $ 400 and $ 500 million, and this estimate is based mainly on his stake in Ethereum and the large amount of Bitcoin he owns

#Amir #Andrew_tate