According to Odaily, Meow, co-founder of Jupiter, recently shared insights on the X platform about the complexities of the cryptocurrency industry. He highlighted several key points that make this field particularly challenging. Firstly, the industry is at the forefront of some of the fastest-growing sectors in history, including finance, information technology, and social media. This rapid development pace adds to the difficulty of navigating the space effectively.

Secondly, the work in cryptocurrency is deeply rooted in some of humanity's most complex and unresolved issues, such as monetary systems and tribalism. These foundational problems require innovative solutions and a deep understanding of both human nature and societal operations. Each day in the industry serves as a lesson in the intrinsic and extrinsic workings of our society, revealing the good, the bad, and the ugly aspects of human behavior.

Meow also noted that when things go well in the cryptocurrency space, it showcases an extraordinary level of social cohesion. People who were previously unrelated come together virtually to create something of significant value. This phenomenon underscores the potential and purpose of the work being done in the cryptocurrency industry.