$ZK Advanced Formal Verification of Zero-Knowledge Proofs: How to Prove Zero-Knowledge Memory

In our blog series on advanced formal verification of zero-knowledge proofs, we have discussed how to verify ZK instructions and a deep dive into two ZK vulnerabilities. By formally verifying every zkWasm instruction, we found and fixed every vulnerability, allowing us to fully verify the technical safety and correctness of the entire zkWasm circuit, as shown in the public report and code repository.

Although we have shown the process of verifying a zkWasm instruction and introduced the initial concepts of the project, readers familiar with formal verification may be interested in understanding the uniqueness of zkVM compared to other smaller ZK systems or other types of bytecode VMs in verification. In this post, we will discuss in depth some technical points encountered when verifying the zkWasm memory subsystem. Memory is the most unique part of zkVM, and getting it right is critical to verifying all other zkVMs.

Formal Verification: Virtual Machine (VM) vs. ZK used in the

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