TON stands for The Open Network, originally developed by Pavel Durov's team, the founder of Telegram. After SEC complications, Telegram abandoned the idea, but the community didn't. They continued developing the open-source code and building the network.

Years later, Telegram decided to deeply integrate TON into its infrastructure. Today, TON, Telegram, and Tether are highly integrated, allowing the creation of a new set of MiniApps.

What are MiniApps?

Within Telegram, without downloading anything, you can access various MiniApps, including DeFi MiniApps, MiniGames, dating apps, VPNs, NFT marketplaces, and minting bots.

Why is this important?

Telegram has over 900M monthly active users and a total user base exceeding 1B. For the first time, masses can access seamless Web3 experiences and participate in airdrops easily. No wonder hundreds of millions are trying it for the first time!

Notcoin was the first truly viral Telegram MiniApp, showcasing the possibilities. It currently has over 45M users, with 35M at launch. Now, Hamster Kombat boasts over 250M users.

This isn’t just a one-off success. Many Telegram MiniApps have millions of users. Here’s a list:

Notcoin, Yescoin, PixelVerse, Catizen, Hamster Kombat, WCoin, TapSwap, BountyBay, W3BFLIX, Chick Coop, Cat Gold Miner, DOGS, GAMEE, WatBird, Blum, BBQ Coin, Maneki, Dormint, Quack Quack, XPlus, Xircus, Tomarket, RoOlz.

Some stats:

- Catizen: 25M+ players

- Yescoin: 20M players

- Hamster Kombat: 2.6% of world population

- Blum: 30M+ players

- PixelVerse: 75M+ users

*You can also check 15 popular Tap2earn projects from here:

The first successful token airdrop launch reached the top 50 by market cap with a peak valuation of $2.9B—a wild feat for a simple Tap-to-Earn game!

Critics say “Tap-to-Earn will die” and “TON only has Telegram as its utility.” Both are wrong. Tap-to-Earn will evolve into more complex, enjoyable games with incentives becoming secondary.

As for TON and Telegram, their integration is a big deal. Telegram is the 6th most-used social media app globally and the first to deeply integrate crypto, focusing on ease of use and accessibility.

Major projects with millions of players on their Telegram MiniApps echo the same challenge: game distribution to consumers. Leveraging Telegram’s 900M+ active users is a smart move.

When Notcoin launched, it was the biggest crypto mass adoption event to date. Millions claimed, sent, and swapped Notcoin. Despite infrastructure challenges and some CEXs going down, the TON blockchain continued processing transactions with stable gas fees.

It’s fair to say…

- TON is the Future for Web3 Mass Adoption.

#ton_blockchain #TelegramMiniApp #Notcoin👀🔥