🤨Is Crypto the Greatest Scam in History?

Crypto and blockchain were once seen as solutions to big global problems like climate change and inequality. But according to a new book, they've done the opposite. Author Peter Howson says they're not promoting sustainability or fairness. Instead, he calls them "the greatest scam in history." He argues they're making our problems worse, not better, while tricking us with false promises.

Howson's book, "Let Them Eat Crypto," dives into what he calls the industrial-scale trickery and empty promises of the crypto world. He criticizes how these technologies are used for fraud and market manipulation, not innovation.

He also points out that a few wealthy holders, called "whales," control most of the crypto wealth, leaving regular investors vulnerable to losses. Howson says this setup is unfair and exploits those who don't have insider access.

Moreover, he argues that crypto's environmental impact is huge, comparing it to the pollution of entire countries. Despite claims of being green, Howson believes these technologies are damaging our planet.

In summary, Howson's book challenges the idea that crypto and blockchain are revolutionary. Instead, he sees them as tools that benefit a few at the expense of many. His critique urges readers to reconsider the hype around these technologies and their real-world impact.

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