According to Odaily, Vitalik Buterin has expressed that the failure of the European Union's proposal regarding chat control is a significant victory. He stated that we are entering a challenging domain of privacy protection, especially when mind-reading-like capabilities could become possible in the next century. The only solution, he suggests, is to remain forever vigilant.

The EU's proposal, which did not pass, aimed to create a 'detection order' that would allow the comparison of messages, files, and photos from hundreds of millions of users worldwide with government databases of child abuse images. At some point in the debate, EU officials even suggested using artificial intelligence to scan text conversations and predict who might engage in child abuse. This is one of the reasons why some opponents referred to the proposal as 'chat control'.

Buterin's comments were made on platform X, where he cited a tweet from the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF). He emphasized the importance of vigilance in the face of potential privacy invasions, particularly as technology advances. The failure of the EU's proposal represents a significant victory for those advocating for privacy rights and the careful use of technology in law enforcement.