2.Common Sense: Use common sense. Avoid downloading files from untrusted sources, as malware infections can occur through dubious websites.

3.Dedicated Device: Use a dedicated, secure computer or device for cryptocurrency activities to minimize exposure to malware.

4.Backup Your Wallet: Before any updates, back up your wallet. Deleting an update package without backup could lead to irreversible loss.

5.Install Regardless of Risk: If prompted about risks during installation, choose "Install regardless of risk" to avoid accidental deletion.

1.Regular Updates: Ensure you regularly update your wallet software. These updates often include security patches that fix vulnerabilities.

6. Ignore Risk After Installation: Post-installation, if your phone warns about a risky app, select "Ignore Risk" to keep your wallet intact.

Remember, taking precautions now can prevent significant trouble later! 😊🔒🚀