According to BlockBeats, Lido, a liquidity staking protocol, announced on July 1st that its Community Staking Module (CSM) testnet has been launched and will be open to all node operators around mid-July.

The Community Staking Module is one of the initiatives introduced by Lido DAO to enhance decentralization and democratize access to Ethereum staking. This module aims to allow any node operator, especially community stakers, to enter without permission and run validation nodes using the Lido protocol. The goal of this module is to significantly expand and diversify Lido's operator collection.

The launch of the CSM testnet is a significant step towards achieving this goal, and it is expected to bring about a more inclusive and diverse staking environment for Ethereum. The full launch of the CSM is anticipated to take place later in July, opening up opportunities for all node operators to participate in the Lido protocol.