🚀 The U.S. Treasury's IRS is stepping up its crypto game! New rules require crypto brokers to file 1099 forms starting in 2025, keeping tabs on customers' tokens' cost basis from 2026. But DeFi operations and non-hosted wallet providers, you're off the hook...for now!

💰 Most routine stablecoin sales won't need reporting, and NFT proceeds only need reporting after hitting a $600 annual threshold. Real estate transactions paid with crypto after Jan. 1, 2026 will also need reporting.

🔍 The IRS is keeping a close eye on the crypto space to ensure digital assets aren't used to hide taxable income. But don't worry, they're not trying to overreach by imposing impossible requirements on miners, online forums, and software developers.

🗣️ What do you think about these new regulations? Do they strike the right balance or is it an overreach? Let's discuss! #CryptoRegulation #IRS #CryptoNews