According to PANews, Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin recently shared his thoughts on the potential impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on humanity. In a post on the X platform, Buterin warned that the misuse of AI could lead to the creation of new, independent, self-replicating intelligent life forms. He emphasized that the correct use of AI should serve as a mechanical exoskeleton for human thought. Buterin cautioned that if humanity only achieves the former and not the latter, there is a risk of permanently losing control. However, if the latter is achieved, it could lead to a prosperous super-intelligent human civilization.

Addressing the question of whether AI should be designed to create autonomous agents or enhance human agency, Buterin remarked that the term 'agents' is intriguing. He explained that sometimes it refers to AI capable of operating independently and formulating complex plans over several days without human intervention. More often, however, it simply means that chatbots have replaced graphical user interfaces (GUIs) as the interface for everything, which he considers a positive development.