Binance Square


7.5M مشاهدات
6,274 يقومون بالنقاش
21 مارس
TON(The Open Network)基金会宣布完成一轮超过4亿美元的融资,投资方包括红杉资本、Ribbit Capital、Benchmark等顶级风投机构。 这一消息无疑为TON生态注入了一剂强心针。作为一个起源于Telegram的Layer 1公链,TON近年来在发展中经历了流量热潮与冷却交替的阶段,此次融资或将成为其生态发展的关键转折点。下面从多个角度分析这一事件对TON生态的影响。 首先,融资带来的资金支持将显著提升TON的技术开发与生态建设能力。4亿美元的资本注入可以用于优化网络性能、提升交易速度和降低费用,进一步巩固TON作为高吞吐量公链的竞争优势。同时,这些资金还能支持更多开发者加入TON生态,加速去中心化应用(dApps)的开发,尤其是与Telegram深度绑定的迷你应用(Mini Apps),从而吸引更多用户和流量。 其次,此次融资提振了市场信心。顶级风投的背书不仅证明TON的潜力,也可能扭转此前因TVL(总锁仓价值)暴跌、币价回落和活跃度下滑带来的负面情绪。特别是Telegram创始人Durov回归后,其对TON的支持进一步增强了社区的凝聚力。然而,叙事单一的问题仍需解决,TON若能借此机会丰富应用场景(如DeFi、NFT等),或将摆脱过度依赖Telegram的标签。 挑战依然存在。TON生态的资源分配若不平衡,可能导致资金浪费或项目质量参差不齐。此外,在竞争激烈的L1公链市场中,TON需证明其差异化价值,否则难以与以太坊、Solana等巨头抗衡。监管不确定性也是潜在风险,尤其是考虑到Telegram过往的法律纠纷。 综上所述,4亿美元融资为TON生态提供了资金、技术和信心的三重助力,有望推动其从低谷走向复苏。但要真正实现突破,TON需要在战略上更加聚焦,解决生态内部问题,并抓住Telegram的独特优势打造多元化应用场景。这或许是TON证明自身价值的关键一战 $TON #ton {spot}(TONUSDT)
TON(The Open Network)基金会宣布完成一轮超过4亿美元的融资,投资方包括红杉资本、Ribbit Capital、Benchmark等顶级风投机构。
这一消息无疑为TON生态注入了一剂强心针。作为一个起源于Telegram的Layer 1公链,TON近年来在发展中经历了流量热潮与冷却交替的阶段,此次融资或将成为其生态发展的关键转折点。下面从多个角度分析这一事件对TON生态的影响。

首先,融资带来的资金支持将显著提升TON的技术开发与生态建设能力。4亿美元的资本注入可以用于优化网络性能、提升交易速度和降低费用,进一步巩固TON作为高吞吐量公链的竞争优势。同时,这些资金还能支持更多开发者加入TON生态,加速去中心化应用(dApps)的开发,尤其是与Telegram深度绑定的迷你应用(Mini Apps),从而吸引更多用户和流量。


$TON #ton
21 مارس
**#ton is making a big move into the U.S. with a $400M investment from top venture capital firms like Sequoia Capital, Ribbit, Benchmark, and Kingsway.** The investment is in $TON not cash or equity, showing strong confidence in $TON s blockchain, ecosystem, and potential to drive real-world crypto adoption—especially within Telegram’s massive user base. {spot}(TONUSDT) Sequoia’s Shaun Maguire praised TON’s team for blending consumer tech with crypto infrastructure, calling it a game-changer when paired with Telegram’s global reach. Plans for U.S. expansion have been in the works since Janutoary, with discussions even involving former President Trump.
**#ton is making a big move into the U.S. with a $400M investment from top venture capital firms like Sequoia Capital, Ribbit, Benchmark, and Kingsway.** The investment is in $TON not cash or equity, showing strong confidence in $TON s blockchain, ecosystem, and potential to drive real-world crypto adoption—especially within Telegram’s massive user base.

Sequoia’s Shaun Maguire praised TON’s team for blending consumer tech with crypto infrastructure, calling it a game-changer when paired with Telegram’s global reach. Plans for U.S. expansion have been in the works since Janutoary, with discussions even involving former President Trump.
4 ساعة/ساعات
Toncoin يتحدى السوق ، ويرتفع 60% في 10 أيام ، ما هو مستقبلها :#Toncoin بينما تشهد معظم العملات الرقمية مرحلة من التذبذب بعد موجة من المكاسب السريعة، يواصل تونكوين (TON) تحدي التيار، مسجلاً ارتفاعًا تجاوز 60٪ منذ أدنى مستوى له في 11 مارس. بعد أن لامس 2.43 دولار، عاد سعر تونكوين ليصل إلى ذروته الأخيرة عند 3.9 دولار، ويستقر حاليًا عند 3.75 دولار، ما يجعله العملة الأفضل أداءً ضمن أعلى 50 عملة رقمية هذا الأسبوع.للحصول على خدمة إعلانية لمشاريع الكريبتو عوامل تدعم الصعود: من تليجرام إلى استثمارات ضخمة يُعزى الأداء القوي لتونكوين إلى تراكم أخبار إيجابية ساعدت في استعادة ثقة المستثمرين: أولًا، كان هناك ارتياح في السوق بعد أن تم السماح لبافل دوروف، مؤسس تليجرام، بمغادرة فرنسا. إذ كانت السلطات قد أوقفته سابقًا على خلفية شبهات تسهيل نشاطات غير قانونية عبر المنصة، وهو ما أثّر سلبًا على تونكوين رغم أن علاقته بتليجرام أصبحت غير مباشرة منذ عام 2020.ثانيًا، جاء الخبر الأبرز هذا الأسبوع من مؤسسة The Open Network Foundation، التي كشفت عن حصول تونكوين على دعم مالي قوي من كبرى شركات رأس المال الاستثماري، بما في ذلك Sequoia وRibbit وBenchmark وKingsway، بقيمة 400 مليون دولار، ما أعطى دفعة معنوية وسعرية ضخمة للعملة. قراءة فنية: فرص واعدة ولكن... احذر التصحيحات من الناحية التقنية، يُظهر الرسم البياني لـ TON تحسنًا ملحوظًا. السعر نجح في تجاوز المتوسط المتحرك لـ 50 يومًا لأول مرة منذ قرابة 3 أشهر، كما كسر خط الاتجاه الهابط الذي كان يرافق الحركة منذ منتصف يناير، وهو ما يعتبر إشارة صعودية قوية. في حال استمرار الزخم، فإن الأهداف القادمة ستكون: - مستوى المقاومة 4.00 دولار- المتوسط المتحرك لـ 100 يوم قرب 4.50 دولار- منطقة 4.65 دولار كمستوى مقاومة فني قديم- المتوسط المتحرك لـ 200 يوم عند 5.00 دولار ومع ذلك، بعد مكاسب بنسبة 60٪ في فترة قصيرة، هناك مخاوف من جني أرباح محتمل. فإذا بدأ التصحيح، قد نجد أول دعم عند 3.54 دولار (وهو المتوسط المتحرك لـ 500 يوم)، يليه مستوى 3 دولارات، ثم القاع الأخير عند 2.45 دولار. السوق العام متردد.. فهل يستطيع تونكوين مواصلة الصعود؟ رغم الزخم القوي المحيط بـ تونكوين، إلا أن السوق الأوسع لا يزال في حالة ترقب وعدم يقين. ما لم يتم الإعلان عن مزيد من الأخبار أو المشاريع الجوهرية المرتبطة بـ TON، فإن تحقيق مكاسب إضافية قد يكون تحديًا، خاصة مع ميل المستثمرين إلى الحذر بعد ارتفاعات سريعة كهذه. #TON $TON

Toncoin يتحدى السوق ، ويرتفع 60% في 10 أيام ، ما هو مستقبلها :

بينما تشهد معظم العملات الرقمية مرحلة من التذبذب بعد موجة من المكاسب السريعة، يواصل تونكوين (TON) تحدي التيار، مسجلاً ارتفاعًا تجاوز 60٪ منذ أدنى مستوى له في 11 مارس.
بعد أن لامس 2.43 دولار، عاد سعر تونكوين ليصل إلى ذروته الأخيرة عند 3.9 دولار، ويستقر حاليًا عند 3.75 دولار، ما يجعله العملة الأفضل أداءً ضمن أعلى 50 عملة رقمية هذا الأسبوع.للحصول على خدمة إعلانية لمشاريع الكريبتو
عوامل تدعم الصعود: من تليجرام إلى استثمارات ضخمة
يُعزى الأداء القوي لتونكوين إلى تراكم أخبار إيجابية ساعدت في استعادة ثقة المستثمرين:
أولًا، كان هناك ارتياح في السوق بعد أن تم السماح لبافل دوروف، مؤسس تليجرام، بمغادرة فرنسا. إذ كانت السلطات قد أوقفته سابقًا على خلفية شبهات تسهيل نشاطات غير قانونية عبر المنصة، وهو ما أثّر سلبًا على تونكوين رغم أن علاقته بتليجرام أصبحت غير مباشرة منذ عام 2020.ثانيًا، جاء الخبر الأبرز هذا الأسبوع من مؤسسة The Open Network Foundation، التي كشفت عن حصول تونكوين على دعم مالي قوي من كبرى شركات رأس المال الاستثماري، بما في ذلك Sequoia وRibbit وBenchmark وKingsway، بقيمة 400 مليون دولار، ما أعطى دفعة معنوية وسعرية ضخمة للعملة.
قراءة فنية: فرص واعدة ولكن... احذر التصحيحات
من الناحية التقنية، يُظهر الرسم البياني لـ TON تحسنًا ملحوظًا. السعر نجح في تجاوز المتوسط المتحرك لـ 50 يومًا لأول مرة منذ قرابة 3 أشهر، كما كسر خط الاتجاه الهابط الذي كان يرافق الحركة منذ منتصف يناير، وهو ما يعتبر إشارة صعودية قوية. في حال استمرار الزخم، فإن الأهداف القادمة ستكون:
- مستوى المقاومة 4.00 دولار- المتوسط المتحرك لـ 100 يوم قرب 4.50 دولار- منطقة 4.65 دولار كمستوى مقاومة فني قديم- المتوسط المتحرك لـ 200 يوم عند 5.00 دولار
ومع ذلك، بعد مكاسب بنسبة 60٪ في فترة قصيرة، هناك مخاوف من جني أرباح محتمل. فإذا بدأ التصحيح، قد نجد أول دعم عند 3.54 دولار (وهو المتوسط المتحرك لـ 500 يوم)، يليه مستوى 3 دولارات، ثم القاع الأخير عند 2.45 دولار.
السوق العام متردد.. فهل يستطيع تونكوين مواصلة الصعود؟
رغم الزخم القوي المحيط بـ تونكوين، إلا أن السوق الأوسع لا يزال في حالة ترقب وعدم يقين. ما لم يتم الإعلان عن مزيد من الأخبار أو المشاريع الجوهرية المرتبطة بـ TON، فإن تحقيق مكاسب إضافية قد يكون تحديًا، خاصة مع ميل المستثمرين إلى الحذر بعد ارتفاعات سريعة كهذه.
20 مارس
21 مارس
{future}(TONUSDT) 💰Quỹ TON (The Open Network) vừa đạt được cột mốc ấn tượng khi huy động hơn 400 triệu USD thông qua việc bán Toncoin, với sự tham gia đầu tư từ các quỹ mạo hiểm hàng đầu thế giới như Sequoia Capital, Ribbit, Benchmark và Draper Associates. Đây là minh chứng cho niềm tin mạnh mẽ vào tầm nhìn của dự án. Quỹ đặt mục tiêu đầy tham vọng: đưa 30% người dùng Telegram đang hoạt động 🌐 tương đương hàng trăm triệu người từ con số hiện tại khoảng 700 triệu tham gia vào blockchain TON trong vòng 3 năm tới. ⏳ Kế hoạch này nhằm xây dựng một hệ sinh thái phi tập trung rộng lớn, hỗ trợ các ứng dụng sáng tạo, thanh toán nhanh chóng và dịch vụ tài chính tiên tiến! #ton
💰Quỹ TON (The Open Network) vừa đạt được cột mốc ấn tượng khi huy động hơn 400 triệu USD thông qua việc bán Toncoin, với sự tham gia đầu tư từ các quỹ mạo hiểm hàng đầu thế giới như Sequoia Capital, Ribbit, Benchmark và Draper Associates.
Đây là minh chứng cho niềm tin mạnh mẽ vào tầm nhìn của dự án.
Quỹ đặt mục tiêu đầy tham vọng: đưa 30% người dùng Telegram đang hoạt động 🌐 tương đương hàng trăm triệu người từ con số hiện tại khoảng 700 triệu tham gia vào blockchain TON trong vòng 3 năm tới.

⏳ Kế hoạch này nhằm xây dựng một hệ sinh thái phi tập trung rộng lớn, hỗ trợ các ứng dụng sáng tạo, thanh toán nhanh chóng và dịch vụ tài chính tiên tiến!
9 ساعة/ساعات
Here’s Why SEC Dropped Its Appeal Against Ripple Despite Ripple’s Active Cross-AppealAttorney Fred Rispoli shares his thoughts on what could be happening behind the scenes in the Ripple lawsuit, especially now that the SEC has dropped its appeal.  Follow LACHAKARI Crypto It is no longer news that the Ripple lawsuit saw a major development this week, resulting in the SEC dropping its cross-appeal.  Although the regulator has not issued an official statement confirming the decision, pro-crypto journalist Eleanor Terrett expectsthis to happen after the SEC closed-door meeting next week.  Why SEC Dropped Its Appeal Despite Ripple’s Active Cross-Appeal  Despite the SEC agreeing to drop its appeal, Ripple has not made a similar decision, prompting Attorney Rispoli, the founder of Hodl Law, to suggest what could be happening behind the scenes.  First, the pro-XRP legal expert emphasized that the SEC’s decision to drop its appeal aligns with its recent actions in other crypto-related lawsuits.  With the SEC dropping its appeal despite Ripple still keeping its cross-appeal active, Attorney Rispoli suggested that the move could be the regulator’s way of negotiating a settlement. This settlement revolves around Ripple’s XRP sales to institutional clients, which were found to be securities.  Following this decision, Judge Analisa Torres ordered Ripple to pay a fine of $125 million and granted the SEC’s request for a permanent injunction on XRP institutional sales.  Potential Settlement Negotiations  Given the current circumstances of the lawsuit, Attorney Rispoli speculated that the settlement negotiations could see the SEC ask Ripple to drop its cross-appeal for a reduced fine.  He also noted that this agreement might also involve dropping the permanent injunction Judge Torres imposed on Ripple’s institutional sales.  If the parties reach such an agreement, Ripple will not be subject to the lawsuit’s legal constraints. According to Rispoli, this decision will allow Ripple to raise funds and file with the U.S. SEC for an IPO.  There have been debates about Ripple going public in the United States through an IPO. However, many have highlighted the SEC lawsuit as a potential factor that could hinder Ripple’s IPO chances.  Notably, if the parties reach an agreement, as stated by Rispoli, it could pave the way for the highly anticipated IPO.  Ripple Wants SEC to Drop Everything  In the meantime, Ripple does not seem interested in accepting the terms of a reduced fine. The company, through its CEO Brad Garlinghouse, noted that it is negotiating to have the SEC ‘drop everything.’ This includes the permanent injunction and $125 million fine.  Garlinghouse noted that the current SEC leadership agrees with the company that it should not have filed the lawsuit in the first place. Hence, Ripple believes it is not ideal to be penalized based on the court’s findings and order.  DisClamier: This content is informational and should not be considered financial advice. The views expressed in this article may include the author's personal opinions and do not reflect LACHAKARI Crypto opinion. Readers are encouraged to do thorough research before making any investment decisions. LACHAKARI Crypto is not responsible for any financial losses. $XRP {spot}(XRPUSDT) $TON {spot}(TONUSDT) #Xrp🔥🔥 #xrp #TON #BinanceAlphaAlert #BNBChainMeme

Here’s Why SEC Dropped Its Appeal Against Ripple Despite Ripple’s Active Cross-Appeal

Attorney Fred Rispoli shares his thoughts on what could be happening behind the scenes in the Ripple lawsuit, especially now that the SEC has dropped its appeal. 
Follow LACHAKARI Crypto

It is no longer news that the Ripple lawsuit saw a major development this week, resulting in the SEC dropping its cross-appeal. 
Although the regulator has not issued an official statement confirming the decision, pro-crypto journalist Eleanor Terrett expectsthis to happen after the SEC closed-door meeting next week. 
Why SEC Dropped Its Appeal Despite Ripple’s Active Cross-Appeal 
Despite the SEC agreeing to drop its appeal, Ripple has not made a similar decision, prompting Attorney Rispoli, the founder of Hodl Law, to suggest what could be happening behind the scenes. 

First, the pro-XRP legal expert emphasized that the SEC’s decision to drop its appeal aligns with its recent actions in other crypto-related lawsuits. 
With the SEC dropping its appeal despite Ripple still keeping its cross-appeal active, Attorney Rispoli suggested that the move could be the regulator’s way of negotiating a settlement. This settlement revolves around Ripple’s XRP sales to institutional clients, which were found to be securities. 
Following this decision, Judge Analisa Torres ordered Ripple to pay a fine of $125 million and granted the SEC’s request for a permanent injunction on XRP institutional sales. 
Potential Settlement Negotiations 
Given the current circumstances of the lawsuit, Attorney Rispoli speculated that the settlement negotiations could see the SEC ask Ripple to drop its cross-appeal for a reduced fine. 
He also noted that this agreement might also involve dropping the permanent injunction Judge Torres imposed on Ripple’s institutional sales. 
If the parties reach such an agreement, Ripple will not be subject to the lawsuit’s legal constraints. According to Rispoli, this decision will allow Ripple to raise funds and file with the U.S. SEC for an IPO. 
There have been debates about Ripple going public in the United States through an IPO. However, many have highlighted the SEC lawsuit as a potential factor that could hinder Ripple’s IPO chances. 
Notably, if the parties reach an agreement, as stated by Rispoli, it could pave the way for the highly anticipated IPO. 
Ripple Wants SEC to Drop Everything 
In the meantime, Ripple does not seem interested in accepting the terms of a reduced fine. The company, through its CEO Brad Garlinghouse, noted that it is negotiating to have the SEC ‘drop everything.’ This includes the permanent injunction and $125 million fine. 
Garlinghouse noted that the current SEC leadership agrees with the company that it should not have filed the lawsuit in the first place. Hence, Ripple believes it is not ideal to be penalized based on the court’s findings and order. 
This content is informational and should not be considered financial advice. The views expressed in this article may include the author's personal opinions and do not reflect LACHAKARI Crypto opinion. Readers are encouraged to do thorough research before making any investment decisions. LACHAKARI Crypto is not responsible for any financial losses.
#Xrp🔥🔥 #xrp #TON #BinanceAlphaAlert #BNBChainMeme
1 ساعة/ساعات
21 مارس
$TON /USDT ALERT: BREAKOUT ABOVE $3.742 – TARGETING $3.80 $TON is currently trading at $3.711, showing bullish momentum after hitting a high of $3.742. If the price continues to rise, $3.75 is the next key target. Watch for support at $3.681 to hold. 📊 Key Levels to Watch: 🔺 Resistance: $3.742 – A breakout above this level could push TON towards $3.75. 🔻 Support: $3.681 – Losing this level could bring the price lower. 🎯 Trade Setup: 📈 Bullish Target: 1️⃣ $3.75 📉 Bearish Scenario: • Short Entry: Below $3.681 • Stop-Loss: Above $3.742 • Take Profit: TP1 at $3.60, TP2 at $3.50 if bearish momentum increases. #ton #BNBChainMeme #Write2Earn #Binance #Binance {spot}(TONUSDT)

$TON is currently trading at $3.711, showing bullish momentum after hitting a high of $3.742. If the price continues to rise, $3.75 is the next key target. Watch for support at $3.681 to hold.

📊 Key Levels to Watch:

🔺 Resistance: $3.742 – A breakout above this level could push TON towards $3.75.
🔻 Support: $3.681 – Losing this level could bring the price lower.

🎯 Trade Setup:

📈 Bullish Target:
1️⃣ $3.75

📉 Bearish Scenario:
• Short Entry: Below $3.681
• Stop-Loss: Above $3.742
• Take Profit: TP1 at $3.60, TP2 at $3.50 if bearish momentum increases.
#ton #BNBChainMeme #Write2Earn #Binance #Binance
10 ساعة/ساعات
let me share some things $TON is actually getting serious. its actually in the fields. i think people should buy and hold ton for future. as you can see $TON is working with redotpay. it will have a strong real world assest in future. i don't have money to buy either now. whoever can you should buy. i amm not shareing this post to earn from writing. i see some progress on $TON so i thought you guys should know, thats all.#TON
let me share some things

$TON is actually getting serious. its actually in the fields. i think people should buy and hold ton for future.

as you can see $TON is working with redotpay. it will have a strong real world assest in future.
i don't have money to buy either now. whoever can you should buy.

i amm not shareing this post to earn from writing. i see some progress on $TON so i thought you guys should know, thats all.#TON
Created with Highcharts 9.1.1
2025-03-21 20:00 UTC+6
2025-03-22 20:00 UTC+6
17 ساعة/ساعات
Дропы не кормят, крипта скам, зарабатывают рефоводы?! 😭 Не все так плохо! Есть ребята, которые платят всегда 😎 #TON Растёт биток или падает, вам без разницы. Сесть за комп утром или вечером вам без разницы. Есть основная работа или учёба? Отлично! У вас будет подработка, сможете купить вкусняшку на лёгкие деньги🥰 Звучит, как работа мечты! А теперь к делу. StonFI расширяет программу амбассадоров. И я Возьму под свое шефство несколько человек. Погрузимся глубже в  DeFI, создадим стратегию пассивного дохода в крипте. Освоим навык написания постов, и поймём принцип  алгоритмов соцсетей. Заведём первых подписчиков и легко запостим пару перспективный рефок😊 Такой Навык необходимый по нынешнем временам точно всем 👍 Зп криптой на кошелек в TON, как у себя в конторе до 25 числа. Как оформлять посты, где и что искать, чтоб 100% получить зп я вам подскажу Но самое главное - выдам промик, по нему вас не побреют в первый месяц😉 Кто готов, пишите в комментах. За репост поста благодарочка💪 Давайте сделаем тон греат эгейн😊
Дропы не кормят, крипта скам, зарабатывают рефоводы?! 😭
Не все так плохо!
Есть ребята, которые платят всегда 😎

Растёт биток или падает, вам без разницы.

Сесть за комп утром или вечером вам без разницы.

Есть основная работа или учёба? Отлично!

У вас будет подработка, сможете купить вкусняшку на лёгкие деньги🥰

Звучит, как работа мечты!

А теперь к делу. StonFI расширяет программу амбассадоров.
И я Возьму под свое шефство несколько человек.

Погрузимся глубже в  DeFI, создадим стратегию пассивного дохода в крипте.

Освоим навык написания постов, и поймём принцип  алгоритмов соцсетей.

Заведём первых подписчиков и легко запостим пару перспективный рефок😊

Такой Навык необходимый по нынешнем временам точно всем 👍

Зп криптой на кошелек в TON, как у себя в конторе до 25 числа.

Как оформлять посты, где и что искать, чтоб 100% получить зп я вам подскажу

Но самое главное - выдам промик, по нему вас не побреют в первый месяц😉

Кто готов, пишите в комментах. За репост поста благодарочка💪

Давайте сделаем тон греат эгейн😊
skamer lol 😂
16 ساعة/ساعات
Toncoin (TON) Drops Over 4% After TD Sequential Flashes a Pullback SignalToncoin slips 4%, now trading at $3.58.TON’s daily trading volume has plunged by over 36.60%. The crypto market is on a shaky rebound, with assets fluctuating within the bear swirl. Bitcoin and Ethereum grapple to break free from bearish pressure, and Toncoin ($TON ) follows suit, sliding by over 4.42%. To shift the momentum, certain crucial levels of Toncoin should be retested. The asset opened the day trading at a peak range of $3.79. With the bears regaining control, TON has bottomed toward $3.52. At the time of writing, Toncoin traded within the $3.58 range, with its market cap reaching $8.89 billion. In addition, the daily trading volume of the asset is resting at $169 million. The market saw $901.36K worth of #TON positions liquidated.  TON has gained over 22.12% in the last seven days. The asset opened the week trading at $2.94, and with the emergence of bulls in the market, it has climbed to the current trading range. Notably, the Ali chart exhibits #Toncoin on a daily timeframe, where the TD Sequential indicator has triggered a sell signal. This hints that the asset might face short-term selling pressure or a potential pullback. Can Toncoin Escape Its Bearish Hold Anytime Soon? TON’s bearish pressure might provoke it to slip below the crucial support at $3.51. If the asset continued to lose, the price of Toncoin could sharply decline and reach the former low within the $3.36 mark.  Assuming the current TON momentum takes a turn, the price could climb and test the $3.66 resistance. The steady upside correction of Toncoin might likely trigger the formation of a golden cross, moving to $4.  The Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) line of Toncoin is settled below the signal line. This crossover infers bearish momentum and the possibility of the asset to witness more downside. Moreover, the Chaikin Money Flow (CMF) indicator found at -0.20 signals that the bears are in control and the money is flowing out of the asset. Meanwhile, TON’s daily trading volume has decreased by over 36.60%. TON’s Bull Bear Power (BBP) value at -0.048 indicates that the market sentiment is bearish. Besides, the daily relative strength index (RSI) positioned at 50.74 suggests that the asset is in a neutral zone with no trend dominance. Disclaimer: The opinion expressed in this article is solely the author’s. It does not represent any investment advice. TheNewsCrypto team encourages all to do their own research before investing.

Toncoin (TON) Drops Over 4% After TD Sequential Flashes a Pullback Signal

Toncoin slips 4%, now trading at $3.58.TON’s daily trading volume has plunged by over 36.60%.
The crypto market is on a shaky rebound, with assets fluctuating within the bear swirl. Bitcoin and Ethereum grapple to break free from bearish pressure, and Toncoin ($TON ) follows suit, sliding by over 4.42%.
To shift the momentum, certain crucial levels of Toncoin should be retested. The asset opened the day trading at a peak range of $3.79. With the bears regaining control, TON has bottomed toward $3.52.
At the time of writing, Toncoin traded within the $3.58 range, with its market cap reaching $8.89 billion. In addition, the daily trading volume of the asset is resting at $169 million. The market saw $901.36K worth of #TON positions liquidated. 
TON has gained over 22.12% in the last seven days. The asset opened the week trading at $2.94, and with the emergence of bulls in the market, it has climbed to the current trading range.
Notably, the Ali chart exhibits #Toncoin on a daily timeframe, where the TD Sequential indicator has triggered a sell signal. This hints that the asset might face short-term selling pressure or a potential pullback.
Can Toncoin Escape Its Bearish Hold Anytime Soon?
TON’s bearish pressure might provoke it to slip below the crucial support at $3.51. If the asset continued to lose, the price of Toncoin could sharply decline and reach the former low within the $3.36 mark. 
Assuming the current TON momentum takes a turn, the price could climb and test the $3.66 resistance. The steady upside correction of Toncoin might likely trigger the formation of a golden cross, moving to $4. 
The Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) line of Toncoin is settled below the signal line. This crossover infers bearish momentum and the possibility of the asset to witness more downside.

Moreover, the Chaikin Money Flow (CMF) indicator found at -0.20 signals that the bears are in control and the money is flowing out of the asset. Meanwhile, TON’s daily trading volume has decreased by over 36.60%.
TON’s Bull Bear Power (BBP) value at -0.048 indicates that the market sentiment is bearish. Besides, the daily relative strength index (RSI) positioned at 50.74 suggests that the asset is in a neutral zone with no trend dominance.
Disclaimer: The opinion expressed in this article is solely the author’s. It does not represent any investment advice. TheNewsCrypto team encourages all to do their own research before investing.
9 ساعة/ساعات
🚨 Buy $NOT now for explosive potential🚀. This is the best move in the market right now. #NOT is expected to break its resistance level soon and surge upward, following the path of $DOGS 📈, which is currently outperforming its competitor. A safer option is to wait for a price pullback to around 0.25, but there is also a chance that this opportunity won’t come, and the chart might take off straight away. I also plan to hold NOT long-term🧐 because I believe in the #TON blockchain. So, when NOT makes its major gains (somewhere after 0.5), I plan to add tokens to the NOT/TON liquidity pool (35% APR) on DEX to farm fees. By buying a promising token and adding it to a pool on #DEX, you can maximize profits from any trade🤫. $TON #BTC
🚨 Buy $NOT now for explosive potential🚀.

This is the best move in the market right now. #NOT is expected to break its resistance level soon and surge upward, following the path of $DOGS 📈, which is currently outperforming its competitor.

A safer option is to wait for a price pullback to around 0.25, but there is also a chance that this opportunity won’t come, and the chart might take off straight away.

I also plan to hold NOT long-term🧐 because I believe in the #TON blockchain. So, when NOT makes its major gains (somewhere after 0.5), I plan to add tokens to the NOT/TON liquidity pool (35% APR) on DEX to farm fees.

By buying a promising token and adding it to a pool on #DEX, you can maximize profits from any trade🤫.
10 ساعة/ساعات
$DOGS — bearish scenario? 🔽 As soon as #Dogs reached new heights with a rapid rise, it'll fell just as quickly. There is a strong chance $DOGS will retest its support at 0.00016. From there, the price will likely decide whether to move upward or break the support, potentially leading to a free fall. {spot}(DOGSUSDT) #TON #dogsday
$DOGS — bearish scenario? 🔽

As soon as #Dogs reached new heights with a rapid rise, it'll fell just as quickly. There is a strong chance $DOGS will retest its support at 0.00016.

From there, the price will likely decide whether to move upward or break the support, potentially leading to a free fall.

#TON #dogsday
7 ساعة/ساعات
#TON целый день ждешь рост а тут за 1 секунду вот такое происходит
#TON целый день ждешь рост а тут за 1 секунду вот такое происходит
я брал 100 TON на споте при цене 2.82, ничуть не жалею 🥰 на фьючерсах не единожды обжёгся, теперь же буду терпеливо ждать роста :)
9 ساعة/ساعات
21 مارس
NOT vs DOGS vs HMSTRWhich Memecoin Could 10x📈 in 2025? The #TON blockchain is still in a dip, which means its memecoins could see massive gains if the market recovers. Let’s break down the top contenders. Current Developments🛠️ $DOGS is focused on expanding its community, integrating PayFi services, and even engaging in charity initiatives. $NOT is taking a similar approach but with less visible activity, likely because the team is working on their new game, Void. They recently participated in an [AMA on Binance Square]( $HMSTR is building an L2 blockchain on TON—Hamster Network. They’re stress-testing it with community tournaments, reaching 34,028 TPS, and have launched a bridge and wallet. Key Stats📊 Liquidity on NOT/TON – $948K, DOGS/TON – $76K, HMSTR/TON – $44KHolders: DOGS – 4.96M, NOT – 2.85M, HMSTR – 1.32MMarket Cap: NOT – $243M, HMSTR – $125M, DOGS – $71M HMSTR is in a tough spot—it has a higher market cap than DOGS but significantly lower liquidity and less community engagement. DOGS has strong community backing, but its liquidity is still low, making large trades difficult. NOT stands out with the highest liquidity, meaning investors can enter and exit positions with ease. Final Verdict🧙‍♂️ #NOT is the best choice, followed by DOGS. HMSTR doesn’t look promising—it lagged behind even during the recent TON ecosystem rally. If you’re holding NOT or DOGS, consider providing liquidity on to maximize your earnings👇. NOT/TON 35% APR NOT/USDT 57% APR DOGS/TON 79% APR DOGS/USDT 22% APR #ETH #BTC #Binance


Which Memecoin Could 10x📈 in 2025?
The #TON blockchain is still in a dip, which means its memecoins could see massive gains if the market recovers. Let’s break down the top contenders.
Current Developments🛠️
$DOGS is focused on expanding its community, integrating PayFi services, and even engaging in charity initiatives.

$NOT is taking a similar approach but with less visible activity, likely because the team is working on their new game, Void. They recently participated in an AMA on Binance Square.

$HMSTR is building an L2 blockchain on TON—Hamster Network. They’re stress-testing it with community tournaments, reaching 34,028 TPS, and have launched a bridge and wallet.
Key Stats📊
Liquidity on NOT/TON – $948K, DOGS/TON – $76K, HMSTR/TON – $44KHolders: DOGS – 4.96M, NOT – 2.85M, HMSTR – 1.32MMarket Cap: NOT – $243M, HMSTR – $125M, DOGS – $71M
HMSTR is in a tough spot—it has a higher market cap than DOGS but significantly lower liquidity and less community engagement.
DOGS has strong community backing, but its liquidity is still low, making large trades difficult.
NOT stands out with the highest liquidity, meaning investors can enter and exit positions with ease.
Final Verdict🧙‍♂️
#NOT is the best choice, followed by DOGS. HMSTR doesn’t look promising—it lagged behind even during the recent TON ecosystem rally.
If you’re holding NOT or DOGS, consider providing liquidity on to maximize your earnings👇.

#ETH #BTC #Binance
Amira Breazeal vlXt:
#Dcoin trên sàn mexc , bạn mua nó 200 đô la , nó giúp bạn giàu nhanh hơn
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